Category: Definitions

Definition: Forward lookups

Definition: Forward lookups

Hopefully you’ll never need to have this explained to you, but a forward lookup is a DNS query that translates a hostname into an IP address.  A forward lookup can return many different record types,...

Definition: Recursive and Iterative queries

Definition: Recursive and Iterative queries

There are two types of queries defined for DNS.  Recursive and (somewhat predictably) non-recursive queries which are called iterative queries. An iterative query is a query which will return either the answer required, or...

Definition: ACL

Definition: ACL

An ACL is an Access Control List, which is to say a list of groups, users, networks, or “objects” which are allowed or denied depending on what it’s being used for. It’s a very common...

Definition: Rabbit Hole

Definition: Rabbit Hole

A rabbit hole is a website or series of links which distracts the reader into infinite digression.  The digression is a problem because it’s not exactly guaranteed that the reader will remember later what...